Freewriting: New Year’s

What is it about December that makes us all so introspective? Is it just the societal construct of the calendar, the illusory meaning we've given to two random consecutive days? One day is the end of an era, the next is the beginning, but for no other reason than that we've all agreed that it's... Continue Reading →

Bruised Dreamer

"Dream big, and enjoy the little things." I love this little quote.  I instinctively live out this quote.  Or at least I try. But sometimes it's hard. The enjoying the little things part?  I got that covered.  No problem. I take pleasure in what I do. I'm known as the easiest person to shop for... Continue Reading →


Sometimes we forget that our luggage has been the same places we have. Our suitcases and backpacks are our most constant travel companions. Not every bag goes on every trip, but we all have our favorites. The old canvas knapsack that one of your siblings commandeered from your father years ago that you've finally been... Continue Reading →

Concert Me

I think I'm a different person at concerts. I make friends with the people around me. I mean, actually TALKING to people I'm around when I don't have to is a rare occurrence for me. But the last few concerts I've been to, I've made friends.  Maybe not friends that exchange numbers and follow each... Continue Reading →

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